Frequently Asked Questions:
You may have some questions regarding the One Faith, One Hope, One Love Campaign. Below you will find answers to many of the frequently asked questions.
What is the difference between the One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign and the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA)?
The FHL is an extraordinary campaign to address long term needs. The CMA is a yearly appeal for everyday operating expenses of diocesan ministries.
Is the One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign a good opportunity for evangelization and stewardship?
The New Evangelization calls each of us to deepen our faith and go forth to proclaim the Gospel. A well-balanced and effective campaign can unite clergy and laity to work together as one Church. One Faith, One Hope, One Love will be an extraordinary opportunity to reach out to all. Parish volunteers will be speaking with fellow parishioners about the needs of the parish and the archdiocese. Parishioners will develop a better understanding of what our archdiocese does and its obligation to the community. This will lead to greater involvement and support. The renewal experience it gives to a parish may be far greater than the dollars raised.
Who will be asked to support the One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign?
Every Catholic household in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will be asked for its prayerful consideration of a financial pledge to the One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign.
What percentage of fund do parishes receive?
Your parish will receive twenty percent of all funds collected up to its campaign goal, and sixty percent of funds collected beyond its goal.
How can the parish share be used?
Parishes may use One Faith, One Hope, One Love funds to address capital projects, retire or reduce debt, create a parish/school endowment, or other special projects identified by the parish. All capital improvement projects or endowments are subject to the normal archdiocesan approval.
How will campaign funds be dispersed?
The funds provided to the One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign will remain separate and distinct from current archdiocesan funds. Campaign funds will be deposited through the Catholic Community Foundation (CCD) and will be made available to the parish on a semi-annual basis. Campaign funds to diocesan ministries will be placed in restricted accounts only for the purposes outlined in the One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign promotional materials.
How are parishes asked to participate?
Each parish conducts its own One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign. Parish leaders are asked to put forth a best effort to reach their goal based upon five principles:
- Prayer
- Personal contact
- Proportionate gift requests
- Phase-by-Phase approach
- Pledges over 5 years
How will the One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign affect parish offertory?
In the short term, offertory giving is expected to remain constant. Through the One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign, volunteers will ask parishioners to make sacrificial pledges above and beyond regular giving. Similar campaigns in other dioceses have actually ignited increases in parish offertory. This can be contributed to donors strengthening their vision of "Church" and therefore embracing stewardship as a way of life.
Why emphasize pledges?
The One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign emphasizes pledging because it allows individuals and families the opportunity to consider larger commitments than they could usually consider in making a one-time gift. Experience in past campaigns shows that donors who pledged were able to consider gifts 4-5 times larger than those who make one-time gifts. This is important in a campaign of this magnitude.
Why does the archbishop's letter ask for a specific gift amount?
Prospective donors throughout the archdiocese need to know what level of support is necessary to raise $130 million. Therefore, a gift amount is suggested for each household in the archdiocese to prayerfully consider. No judgment is made on the level of a gift you or others make. Whatever the amount, your pledge should be planned, proportionate and sacrificial.
Why ask parishioners for different amounts? Wouldn't dividing the parish goal by the number of households be easier and fairer?
It certainly would be easier. However, it definitely would not be fairer, and would ensure the a parish does not reach its goal. Because people are blessed differently, a principle of the campaign is equal sacrifice, not equal giving. We all give to our parishes at varying degrees. While all parishioners should be contacted, those with little giving history are least likely to give to an archdiocesan campaign. Therefore, asking for equal amounts from everyone would put a parish campaign in jeopardy. However, if we ask for different amounts based on past giving and commitment to the Catholic Church, we challenge all to give as they are able and according to their blessings, and in the process, help to ensure the campaign's success.
Why is an initial payment requested? Is it required?
One Faith, One Hope, One Love asks for an initial payment to begin a pledge. It helps the campaign by immediately addressing the needs of our ministries. Many donors actually prefer to begin their pledges immediately. Some even give more than the requested 10%. However, an initial payment of 10% is not required, and a donor also may elect to give less initially or nothing at all.
To whom should an initial payment check be made?
An initial payment check should be made payable to Catholic Community Foundation.
How should subsequent payments be made?
You may choose to pay on your pledge monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. Reminders will be sent according to your chosen schedule. Payments should be made to Catholic Community Foundation. Payments should not be made to the parish.
Why is each donor asked to complete a commitment card?
A donor is asked to complete a commitment card so that the gift may be appropriately recorded and acknowledged by the Foundation. The most important information the Campaign Office requests is the total amount of the commitment, the amount of the initial payment (if any), the balance, and the payment plan selected by the donor. Donors are asked to sign commitment cards as a good faith commitment, indicating that they have agreed to the terms of the gift indicated on the card. A commitment card is not a legally binding document.
Are pledges and one-time gifts the only kinds of gifts accepted by the One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign?
While cash gifts and pledges are most common, it may be advantageous to the donor to make a gift of appreciated stock. For electronic transfer of stock, please refer to our Stock Transfer Instructions Form, available by calling our Foundation office toll-free at 1-844-260-4483.
Can trust and estate-type gifts be made to the campaign?
Yes. For information on gift planning, contact David Kissell, Secretary and Director of the Department of Stewardship for the Archdioceses of Cincinnati, at 1-800-686-2724
To what extent are gifts to One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign tax deductible?
Gifts to the campaign are tax deductible as allowed by law. The application of such laws varies with individual financial circumstances. Parishioners with specific questions regarding tax deductibility should contact their attorney or tax preparer.
Why shouldn't I give to my parish instead?
Parish stewardship and archdiocesan stewardship should not be either/or choices. No parish can do all it seeks to do alone, and no diocese works independently of its parishes. The collaboration allows the Catholic Church as a whole to accomplish the most it possibly can from each dollar donated to both parish and archdiocesan collections.
For further assistance, please call the Campaign Office at the Catholic Community Foundation for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, toll-free at 1-844-260-GIVE.