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How are refugees screened?

refugee-cExactly how complex is the U.S. government vetting system for refugees?

Michael Murphy, resettlement program manager at Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley, outlines the steps in a newly published interview with the Dayton Daily News.

The article, “Refugees of the Miami Valley,” includes a video of Mr. Murphy describing the screening system.

Mr. Murphy “says the travel bans and court decisions have delayed a process that already takes the average refugee nine years to be vetted and cleared to come to the United States,” the Daily News’ Cheryl McHenry reported.

“It’s multiple checks,” Mr. Murphy told her. “You know, people are checking backgrounds. They’re identifying who people are. They’re making sure that all of the information that is provided is accurate. If the information can’t be verified, the person doesn’t move forward.”

The report notes that CSSMV “is the official portal through which refugees come to the Dayton area. The agency resettles between 250 and 400 refugees a year. Those who come have gone through a multi-step vetting process and waited years–even decades in some cases–to make this their home.”

The article and video interview are here.


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